Kilka dni temu
Matthias Charton - Race Director Pucharu Świata rozesłał do wszystkich zawodników i osób zainteresowanych taką oto smutną wiadomość:
All fall down !!! (and I don't mean the snow)
Following a change of direction among senior management at Corona Europe, a new communications strategy has been put in place by the company, and we've just learned (very late in the day) that events such as the Winter Tour no longer correspond with this new strategy and direction. As a result there will be no Winter Tour in 2007.
For the last 8 years the aim of Semnoz Kitesurfing has always been to promote the sport of snowkiting in various ways. The Winter Tour was our best tool for promoting the sport as well as a great way to travel, meet people, have fun, kite and party with the snowkite family and it's true that after all these winters of tour events it all seems very strange…
There's still our website of course (43,000 hits per month) and our TV show, Mach 12, now available to 20 million French viewers. So please keep sending us your news and your films and photos. Meanwhile, we wish you a winter 2007 with plenty of wind, kiting and fresh powder… Stay tuned and enjoy !!
W wielkim skrócie kolojnego Corona Extra Winterthur nie będzie. Teraz tylko liczymy na pomysłowość naszych organizatorów i...przede wszystkim śnieg.